Protect Your Children


You and your spouse go out for a date. Tragically, on your way to your favorite spot, a Mack truck veers into your lane and you both unexpectedly leave this life. 

Mortality is not something most people like to contemplate. It’s hard to even fathom such a horrible situation, but life is unpredictable and occasionally children lose parents.

Planning for the unexpected future

Should you die unexpectedly, who is going to care for your minor children? Who will decide how your child is educated? What values will be emphasized? Will a certain religion or faith be passed down? What healthcare and support will they receive? What extracurricular activities do they take part in? What will day-to-day parenting look like? 

The Necessity of A Legally Appointed Guardian

If you do not appoint a guardian who will accept the nomination should the need arise (why backups are important), then your children’s guardianship will be left entirely up to a probate judge without any of your input. Judges are smart, and this process may go smoothly with the best possible legal guardianship being implemented. However, that judge does not know family dynamics and has a limited knowledge of any potential individual asking the court to be appointed as guardian to your children. A person who may not be a good fit or maintain similar values to you could be appointed to finish raising your children. Furthermore, heated legal challenges and disagreements may occur from frustrated family members, creating even more stress and instability for your children during the worst time of life. 

Plan Ahead

If you act now, you can select several “backup” parents who you can make sure share your values, parenting philosophy, faith, and who can provide a stable environment for your children.

In your documents, you may provide specific instructions that express your children’s needs, your desires for your children, and you may articulate particular wishes for each child’s upbringing. 

You may even name a panel of trusted individuals to come together, review your guidance and wishes, and that panel may discuss and then vote on what situation makes the most sense at that time. 
If you are a single parent, taking steps to protect your child or children is even more important. 

Act today, contact us to ensure a stable future is planned for your minor child or children should they tragically lose their loving parent(s).

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