
Our Services

Equinox Estate Planning Solutions

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Passing away without a will puts important decisions in another's hands.

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Trusts are powerful tools that can be customized to your unique situation, and help your family avoid the probate process.

Powers of Attorney

Empower loved ones to make decisions on your behalf, and avoid court involvement.

Living Will

Express your end of life decisions, taking away the burden from your family during a challenging time.

business, LLC, EIN, lawyer, Attorney, Colorado

Business Formation

Properly setting up your business is vital to its success - we are here to help.

Asset Protection

Protect your hard-earned assets from creditors, divorce, or lawsuits.

Charitable Giving

Leave a legacy of meaning and generosity.

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Special Needs Planning

Let us assist you in crafting a careful and unique plan that will protect your disabled loved one.

Tax Planning

Maximize the impact of your estate through strategic tax planning.

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